Oddball Press: Correspondence for the 21st Century

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Our Story

In the spring of 2007, the Oddball Press team was formed, ready to answer the call for contemporary greetings. Huddled in Cleveland, Ohio, the team members strive to create printed goods which please and delight consumers.
The products are achieved through a combination of modern technologies and processes of the past. Our concepts begin as quick drawings or phrases scribbled on any available surface. Once on the drawing board, they evolve through the iMac machine, and finally take shape on the press. We embrace all printing methods and rely on other print shops for production. Many hands touch an Oddball finished piece during its making, and all hands are reaching for the same goal.
Our company’s mission is to produce superior printed goods that will satisfy even our mothers’ high standards. We believe in good design. We believe in ink on paper. Long live the written letter!
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Direct Purchase
Please contact the Oddball Press Team directly. Operators are standing by at (216) 688-9234, or reach out online.

Indigo Fair
You can find Oddball Press on Indigo Fair! Visit the Indigo Fair website to create an account.